A journey of a thousand miles, starts with me crying

9th Mar 2017
Welcome to the Summit Hotel in Nepal
Welcome to the Summit Hotel in Nepal

The day had arrived which I had been dreading for weeks. I was going to have to get into a metal bird and fly across the world to Nepal. As a fan of disaster movies such as The Poseidon Adventure and The Towering Inferno I had convinced myself wholeheartedly that this journey would signal my death toll bell.

Added to this building dread, I suffered an accident with my kit bag but managing to scrape a sizable hole into the bottom of it after lugging it up the train station steps. This of course caused me having a Goonie cry of epic proportions which led to everyone at the station uncomfortably moving away from me crab style. Luckily for me, my brother in law is pretty handy with a needle and thread so one patch and a lot of gaffer tape later, I was set again to head out on my journey.

Arriving in a new country that you've never visited before is always strange, and Nepal is no exception. After an 8 hour plus journey from vaguely sunny London Heathrow, you arrive to a wall of heat in Delhi. Being British and fair skinned, I immediately felt my skin being to crisp up. On my journey out I also managed to upset the security at Heathrow by being incapable of following basic instructions (I’m just not able to move a bucket onto a conveyor belt when I should), and then again the security gate for our transfer flight, I found myself being too chatty and not speedy enough for the military like operation, luckily time spent in the airport was minimal before we have to climb aboard the plane to Kathmandu.

As a very nervous flyer, I managed to not cry on the first plane (adult achievement points unlocked!) by focusing on devouring as many films as I could - Bridget Jones Baby (nonsensical trash which even Hugh Grant couldn't be bothered to turn up for) and Suicide Squad (I fell asleep a few times so had to keep rewinding, but not 100% sure if having kept awake the film would have been any better). The next flight was proving to be a big worry for me - I was not convinced I'd manage another flight but happy to report thanks to the lovely Nepalese couple sat next to me I survived (again with no tears!) and they even woke me up for food.

When arriving at Kathmandu airport, you arrive onto the tarmac from the rickety steps of the plane and can indulge yourself in a few Instagram friendly photos next to the plane. Due to massive hair caused by the humidity and looking like what can be best described as I’ve not slept properly in a long time and have no idea of time zone I’m in chic, my followers on Instagram will not be seeing this beautiful sight. A quick trip through Visa control (yay for being super organised and picking up a visa before I left) and pick up of bags and barrels and people, we were on our way to the glorious Summit Hotel.

Now to just make it through the Kathmandu to Lukla flight and I would have unlocked the next level in the game of Sarah Is Able To Do Adult Things Without Too Much Drama. In the meantime, I’ll just sun myself by the pool and try not to think about the next metal bird I have to get in.

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