Download your copy of Prof Severinghaus' tenth anniversary talks
This year's special Knowledge 10 conference, saw a variety of speakers from around the world joining us to speak about extreme physiology and critical illness.
One of the speakers who joined us was Professor John Severinghaus, who is a Professor Emeritus of Anesthesia, University of California San Francisco, a World renowned anaesthesiologist, physiologist and most famously known as the developer of the first~blood gas measurement. He also developed the Stow-Severinghaus CO2 electrode, the stirred and calibrated Clark O2 electrode and the first 3 function blood gas apparatus (pH, Pco2 and Po2) now at the Smithsonian museum
Both of John's talks proved very popular with the audience, and printed copies he had brought with him were snapped up quickly. So with John's kind permission and due to popular demand, we are able to share them with you below in PDF form.
The invention and development of blood gas analysis (1.96 MB)
Eight sages over five centuries (2.38 MB)
We will be sharing (subject to our speakers consent) slides of the other talks from our conference in due course.
To read more about the conference, visit our Twitter page here or search for the hashtag #CXE10
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